24/7 Emergency Service
(+420) 725 530 355
The 24/7 Service Emergency Service in the Albertov Rental Apartments complex helps residents solve the problems associated with accommodation outside of the working hours.
We would like to inform you that the service is subject to a fee according to the valid price list and provided free of charge only if the problem has been caused by Albertov Rental Apartments. The service technician can arrive within 90 minutes.
The 24/7 Emergency Service can:
- Open the locked door of your apartment (with or without the key)
- Issue a replacement chip/remote control in case of damage or loss outside of the reception working hours
- Update the remote control to the parking place outside of the working hours
- Help with power failure in your apartment
Emergency phone numbers:
Single European emergency number:
Prague City Police:
Fire service
Police of the Czech Republic: