Albertov cares
Albertov Rental Apartments Management does not forget its moral duty, therefore we have been participating in charity aid for children positioned in Klokánek (Kangaroo) facilities the founder of which is The Fund for Children in Need. Since 2016 we support also the other projects.
Help with us
You can help as well. In Albertov Rental Apartments we have a container available for collection of worn clothes for charity purposes. This way we support Naděje o.s. (The Hope) civil association.
Thank you!
CTR group is still helping …
For example, through its company CTR Holding Assets GmbH, which supports UNICEF Österreich.
Albertov Rental Apartments continues to provide charitable clothing collection and material assistance to those in need.
Donations in previous years
At the beginning of 2019, we donated CZK 20,000 to the Endowment Fund of Paediatric Oncology Krtek to support cancer care of sick children. The donation was used to buy blankets and pillows for the bed department.
The second donation in the amount of CZK 30,000 was sent to the Charter 77 Foundation – Barriers Account.
In autumn 2019, we donated furnishings and furniture we do not use to the Salvation Army.
In 2018, we supported children in the Klokánek facilities again and the Naděje NGO, which provides assistance to people in need.
In the first half of the year, we donated CZK 20,000 to the Klokánek facility in Litoměřice to buy furniture for a new flat. We also donated CZK 25,000 to the Naděje NGO to help senior citizens.
In the autumn, we bought a refrigerator and 2 washing machines for the Klokánek facility in Chomutov and donated CZK 23,000 to the Naděje NGO, this time to help people with disabilities.
In the beginning of 2017, we used CZK 28,000 to co-finance a car for the Children at Risk Fund (Fond ohrožených dětí) in Klokánek Hostivice. The Fund uses their cars to drive children to nurseries, schools, excursions, cultural events, clubs, doctors or hospitals, and for shopping and transport.
In 2017, we also donated CZK 16,000 to the Klokánek organization in Dolní Benešov. The organization – which has existed for 16 years – needed to refurbish and furnish rooms for children, especially the flats where they live with their caregivers. The donation was used to decorate the rooms and to buy furniture and flooring materials.
In the autumn of 2017, we also decided to donate CZK 25,000 to support the establishment of a baby box in our vicinity, Prague 2. We also bought mattresses worth CZK 22,117 for Klokánek in Litoměřice.
Donations in 2016
In 2016, we supported the Klokánek foundation with furnishings again, this time in Praha 8 and in the town of Žatec.
In February, we joined the Chance for Children project and met several wishes of children from children’s homes. We also supported the programme for the elderly by Remedium Praha.
At the end of the year, we sent a sponsorship donation the UMÚN Publishing Ltd., whose mission is to help people with serious physical disabilities, specifically disabled painters who paint with their mouths or legs.
The total value of the donations made in 2016 reached the amount of CZK 87,793.
Donations in 2015
In March 2015, we donated eight new TV sets to the Klokánek facilities in Teplice and Ústí nad Labem so that the children in foster care could enjoy Easter fairy-tales in bright colours.
In mid-2015, there were reports about the financial problems of the FOD (Fund of Engendered Children), the founder of the Klokánek facilities. There were rumours about millions of debts on social and health insurance, the FOD employees were in danger of losing their jobs the facilities of being closed. That is why we decided to donate CZK 50,000 to the Klokánek facility in Hostivice.
Thanks to sponsors, the FOD managed to overcome this crisis and is now trying to operate as usual and provide care for children who need immediate help. We believe the financial situation will be soon settled and the equipment will be used by those who need it.
Donations in 2014
As in the last few years, we have not forgotten to help the needy in 2014, either. We have visited several alternative foster care facilities, Klokánek, run by the Fund for Children in Need (FOD) and donated mainly electrical appliances for their new or refurbished flats.
In the spring, we donated a total amount of CZK 18,043 to the Klokánek organization in the city of Ústí nad Labem. We also helped the organizations in Janovice and Prague 8 with a cooker and washing machine worth CZK 29,039. In the second half of the year, we could not reject an urgent request and donated a washing machine worth CZK 6,200 to the Klokánek organization in Prague-Kbely.
Donations in 2013
We donated a gift to Klokánek in Chomutov at the turn of the year 2012 and 2013. This Klokánek, which started its activities in 2006, needed building materials for the reconstruction of a new apartment.
In September we participated and helped two different Klokánek facilities. The first of which was Klokánek in Jindřichův Hradec, to whom we gave new vacuum cleaners. The second one was Klokánek in Janovice to which we have once again returned. The most needed and selected were irons, to the already functioning apartments.The value of the donations was CZK 24,928.
Donations in 2012
On 26/4/2012, Albertov Rental Apartments team visited children in a Klokánek facility again, this time in Hostivice in Prague.
As a sponsorship gift, we gave kitchen appliances to Klokánek – kitchen-stoves, a digestor and microwave ovens with the total value of CZK 19,861. The environment here was very friendly and pleasant.
Then, Thursday, October 11, 2012 we visited Klokánek again but this time in Prague 8. It is the oldest Klokánek in Prague, which has been in the operation since 2000. It has two branches with a total of 7 apartments with a capacity for 28 children.
Albertov Rental Apartments donated CZK 25,000 to this Klokánek. They invested all the money into the garden house.
Donations in 2011
In 2011, there were 34 Klokánek facilities with a total capacity of 473 places. However, not all capacities could be exploited, where as the main reason was lack of financial resources.
This is the main reason Albertov Rental Apartments decided to help.
The first Klokánek which we were engaged in was a Klokánek in Janovice nad Úhlavou – only one in the Plzeň region.
On 2/9/2011 we paid a personal visit to the Klokánek in Janovice nad Úhlavou and gave them gifts with the total value of CZK 24,108. In Klokánek, there was the highest need for blankets, pillows and also children’s footwear. Thanks to Mrs.Jandová, manager of Klokánek facility and Mrs.Hánová, who cares for sponsoring, we found out how life works in the Klokánek facility while spending an afternoon there, we mainly helped.