Klánovice forest is one of the unique green areas in Prague (1,030 ha) and a widely popular place for Prague citizens. Here, on the eastern outskirts of the city, you will find true peace and nature.
How to get there
The nature trail is 11.25km long, and begins and ends at the Praha-Klánovice railway station. The trail with minimal elevation is suitable for relaxed tourists and small children. You will usually you walk on unpaved forest roads and sometimes, and sometimes, you’ll find yourself in peripheral streets of Klánovice. Except for rainy days, when the trail is waterlogged in several places, it is easily passable even with a stroller.
Start at the train station and follow the red tourist trail. After about three kilometres at the signpost Klánovický les (Klánovice forest), go to the left, this time along the green trail that will take you through the forest and the outskirts of Klánovice. After five more kilometres, follow the blue signs to get back to the starting point at the Praha-Klánovice train station.
90 information boards about the local history and fauna
Klánovice forest hides the visible remains of old settlements mentioned at 17 trail posts. At the third post, you will notice a well-preserved medieval well. At some stops, you can sit on the bench with a table, relax, and get a snack in the forest silence.
In addition to the boards presenting the history of Klánovice forest and the surrounding villages, you will also find new interactive boards on local animals and plants. The nature trail entitled “Lesní galerie aneb Tam a zpátky za zvířátky” (Forest Gallery or There and Back to Animals) was created by the Újezdský STROM association in cooperation with partners and the Prague 21 town council in 2011–2014. On this occasion, the site www.lesnigalerie.praha21.cz/, where you can study in detail different paths and posts with 90 information boards, was created as well.
More fun and education with mobile phones
The trail includes 30 information panels with large pictures of animals from Klánovice forest. If you have a smartphone with the Internet connection, you can retrieve the QR code on each panel to learn more about the presented animal, including recorded sounds and rhymes recited by children.